Technical Lifting
with the science of strength

Course curriculum
A new approach - Why Technical Lifting - By Dr Luke Del Vecchio
The course creators
Shannon Green: Co-Creator
How Technical Lifting helped presenter & coach - Lauren Green
Technical Lifting Science
The science of strength
The Squat
Deadlift & Bench Press
Hip Assessment (Hip Scour Test)
Hip Scour Test
The Squat
Squat Lecture - Shannon Green
Setting up the feet for a squat
Resistance Bands for Squats
Wall squat with bands
Off the wall squats with band
Body Weight Squat
Goblet Squat with band
Barbell Squat - Mid Bar
Squat Bar Positions
The Upperback
1. Chest Supported Dumbbell Retractions
2. Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows
3.Seated Row
3. Bent over Dumbbell Row
Single Arm Row & Other Hand Variations
Lat Pulldown
Lat Pulldown
Variations of the Lat Pulldown
Pull up & Chin Up
Bench Press Progressions
Incline Dumbbell Press
Flat Dumbbell Press
Bench Press
Intro & Setup overview
Foot Positioning
The Upper Back
Gripping the bar & hand position
Setup & Execution
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
Sumo Kettlebell - Deadlift
Sumo Block Pull
Sumo Deadlift
Conventional Block Pull
Conventional Deadlift
Workout Example
Workout Example - Introduction
Breathing & Pelvis Mobility
Core Work
Balance & Activation
Loaded Movement
Pump work or Conditioning - Wrap up
Interview: Programming with Dr Luke & Shannon Green
Technical Lifting - Course Manual
The science of the Squat
The science of the Bench Press
The science of the Deadlift
Sherrington's Law of Irradiation
Safety Guidelines for Strength Training
The Squat
Foot Position - The Squat
Bar Positions - The Squat
Common Errors with the Squat
Variations with the Squat
The Bench Press - Introduction
Bench Press - Hands & Shoulders
Leg Drive with the Bench Press
Body position with the Bench Press
Variations with the Bench Press
Push ups
Common Errors with the Bench Press
The Deadlift - Introduction
Hands & Feet with the Deadlift
Variations with the Deadlift
Common errors with the Deadlift
Rows - Progression Chart
Lat Pulldown - Progression Chart
Bench Press - Progression Chart
Deadlift - Progression Chart
Squat - Progression Chart
Squat - Cheat Sheet
Bench Press - Cheat Sheet
Deadlift - Cheat Sheet
Coaching Cues: Squat - Bench - Deadlift
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